This post has been updated with the correct license number.
A neighborhood resident writes:
My husband’s car was stolen at approx 7:30 AM this morning in front of our home in the 8000 block of 12th Ave NE. Husband had left car running unattended for a few minutes to warm it up, stepped back in our house, then returned to find it gone. Perhaps good to remind others not to do this.
She described the car as a 1995 Lexus, very dark green, license 571TUK.
There have been several additional stolen cars and other crimes since our Christmas crime post, but the holidays seem to have delayed getting full reports online.
I’m sorry, but it lacks common sense to leave an unlocked car running unattended. This isn’t Mayberry.
I’m a near dummy…when I went out to warm up my car on 12th (same block) I saw the police car on the street which is very unusual, then I proceeded to go back into the house with the car warming up. Then when I came back out 10 min later the police car had moved up and the officer told me the scoop. It was a shock to me as well that this happened despite other stuff that happens periodically in the vicinity…it’s not like being on Aurora. Very easy to believe it won’t happen to you until it does. Just add this to the list of things to take precautions about…
I’m the dummy who was warming up my unlocked car on 12th. I’ve lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, and, while I’ve heard of break ins and stolen or broken into vehicles, it never happened to me. I have learned my lesson big time, and have stepped up security procedures for my house and yard. This a particularly attractive area for car theft because of the quick freeway access. The new reservoir park will bring more people and potentially more crime to the neighborhood. I hope others will learn from my carlessness.
Sheesh GeorgiaPT! Just giving my two cents & what I think law enforcement would suggest (not to leave running cars ~ locked or otherwise ~ unattended!) If you have a problem with my opinion sobeit.. but sounds like you don’t know the difference between judgement & an opinion. And as for the editors of this blog.. thanks so much for taking down my comments when I merely was mirroring GeorgiaPT’s swear word! Guess hers doesn’t get taken down but mine does.. Way to police the comments!!
Should be easy to find it… just troll the blocks neighboring RHS.
Sheesh, ‘whatthepho?’ and ‘Freef’, way to show a lot of community spirit there. Would you stop being judgmental asses and just show a little support! The point is a car was stolen and another one attempted. You don’t know the person’s story and why the car was warming up…maybe ‘Brooke’ or ‘the husband’ has arthritis or a small child…a number of legitimate reason for warming up a car. Illegal? Sure…but so is not moving your parked car every 72 hours. So when you go on vacation for a weekend/week and leave your car parked in front of your house should you be ticketed?
Uh, it is not these people’s fault that their stuff is getting stolen – stop pointing fingers at people wanting to warm their cars up when it is 31 degrees outside and not wanting to sit in them freezing their butts off. There are a bunch of bad thieves breaking into houses and cars when people aren’t sitting in them. You want people to start sleeping in their cars to prevent theft? It sounds like it. People are just trying to give friendly advice and pointers here, not get chewed out for wanting to warm up their cars – locked or not. To those of you who have victims of all of this theft – my heart goes out to you.
Great job on biking to work! Sorry the guys car was stolen.
How about not leaving your car unattended at all (locked, unlocked, clubbed, or otherwise)? At last check, it is actually illegal to do so in Seattle, and will result in an $86 fine.
I biked down 12th this morning on the way to work and remember seeing a bunch of cars unattended while warming up. I’m wracking my brain, but don’t remember seeing anything suspicious, just the usual dog walkers.
How about sitting in your car while it’s warming up? We’ve had enough burglaries around recently… don’t need to dangle the carrot for these thieves! Just a thought…
I think the same thing was about to happen to my car this morning as well. I am at 91st and 12th and warmed up my car this morning for about 3 minutes. When I went back out to get in my car, my lock on my drivers side door was NO LONGER THERE! Good thing I locked it, and wasn’t away from it for too long, because the ‘perp’ didn’t have enough time to actually steal my car. Please make sure you lock your car doors if you are warming your car up and get a club or something for the steering wheel!