November 2

A bank robbery and a woman threatened with a gun



Robbery update: The FBI has supplied a photo and this information:

The suspect displayed a gun and should be considered armed and dangerous.

Suspect Vehicle: Faded blue colored van, possibly a late 1980’s model Dodge Caravan, with flaking paint and missing front license plate.

Suspect 2 (getaway driver): White male, brown hair, glasses.

Contact: Detective Vradenburg, FBI Safe Streets Task Force, telephone (206)622-0460 or email


Police have reported two more armed attacks in the Maple Leaf area.

A gunman robbed the Sterling Savings Bank, 828 N.E. Northgate Way, on Monday, Nov. 1, at about 4:40 p.m., police said. He is described as a white male age 25 to 30, about 5 foot 8 inches with a medium build and a scruffy beard. Police said he was wearing a black stocking cap and white pants. He may have fled in a 1980s Dodge Caravan.

On Saturday, Oct. 30, a woman was sitting in her car outside a restaurant on the north side of Northgate Mall, waiting to pick up her to-go order, police said. A dark sport utility vehicle behind her honked at her to move, then pulled up beside  the woman’s car. The woman told officers the man inside the SUV then pointed a handgun at her before driving off.

He is described as an Asian male about 40 years old, with a medium build and dark hair, wearing glasses. Police made a check of the area, but couldn’t find him. The incident occurred about 6:30 p.m.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. A lot of idiots don’t get that that’s the line for CPK takeout orders. CPK could put out more prominent signage to help prevent such stupidity.

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