Here’s an update to the free compost post. Seattle Public Utilities e-mailed to say:
Thank you so much for promoting our Compost Days program. The response has been terrific, thanks in no small part to your announcements- we’ve given away 25,000 bags – or 500 tons of compost – so far!
I’d like to clarify two things about the promotion. We’ve been getting a lot of folks bringing in print outs of your blog as a coupon. Actual coupons were mailed out last month in the utilities’ Curb Waste & Conserve newsletter and we can’t redeem facsimiles or replacements.
It hadn’t occurred to us that folks might print out the blog as a coupon. We’ve gone back and removed that photo. You CAN, however, use the newspaper coupons that appeared in the Seattle Times’ Pacific Northwest magazine on April 18th and 25th, and May 2nd.
The utility also wanted everyone to know that the Sandpoint distribution location is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and that the Good Shepard event starts at 8 a.m. and runs until supplies run out.
All of this information is located on the program web site here.