If you’re looking for a good excuse to order from Pagliacci Pizza, think of your heartstrings instead of your heart health and eat in support of the local company’s food drive for Northwest Harvest.
In a bid to make hometown heroes out of us while the our neighbors to the north are making heroes out of the world’s Olympians, Pagliacci drivers are doing more than just delivering your pizza through Feb. 18, they’re also picking up your donations for the food bank. Not in the mood for pizza? You also can simply stop by Maple Leaf’s 8024 15th Ave. N.E. restaurant, or any other Pagliacci Pizza location to drop off a donation.
Pagliacci’s offers a list of suggested donation items on its blog, and explains its reasoning for choosing February for its food drive:
In November, Will Haas, one of our drivers at the Magnolia Delivery Kitchen, approached me about doing a food drive. There were plenty of businesses and organizations holding food drives over the holidays, so Will suggested that we hold one later in the winter when food banks would be running low again.
We picked the Olympics as the time to have our food drive. While hometown athletes ski, skate and luge into the hero spotlight, this seemed like a great time for us to all be hometown heroes by donating food to local organizations.