February 5, 2017

10:30 a.m. Monday. Back to steady snow. Update Monday 8 a.m.: 3 inches and falling at Maple Leaf Life South. Many things closed today, including all city libraries except downtown, which opens at noon, On Seattle Department of Transportation map, red = plowed and salted. Update 5:37 p.m. Snowing in Maple Leaf. From the Winter

February 1, 2017

The Olympic View PTA has generously funded the items needed to repair the lower playground rope/climbing net. Now what we need is “someone who is either by (1) a NPSI-Certified Playground Inspector (CPI), or (2) as a ‘community build’ under the direct supervision of an insured NPSI-CPI person.” Are you that person or do you

January 31, 2017

This is a sponsored post. SEATTLE – Resolve in 2017 to make positive personal changes and to help your community! Dr. Rudolf Steiner Bookstore and Children’s Shop, a small local bookstore in Seattle, is doing just that this year. The bookstore is offering you a way to support people and endeavors that build relationships and

January 29, 2017

Update: Or maybe Tuesday. Spam filter not working. ——- Maple Leaf Life should be up and running again on Monday. WITH comments. IT has shown up and saved the day, and also all of 2016. (Sorry, Donna.)

January 19, 2017

Terry emails us: “Urgent alert: Found dog! Golden Retriever, friendly, very treat motivated. NE 81st & 4th Ave NE. No collar.” And over at Nextdoor Northgate/Maple Leaf Terry added: “Don’t have time to bring into vet for chip scan. Will leave in my fenced yard (hope he won’t jump) contact me for address.” If you