February 9, 2017

The overnight weather gauge here at Maple Leaf Life South reads 3.28 inches of rain, and it’s like we’re in a cloud. The forecast calls for up to another half-inch of rain, with winds increasing to perhaps 26 mph by afternoon. And then: Friday – rain. Saturday – rain. Sunday – sun! Oh, and watch

February 8, 2017

Seattle Public Utilities just texted: Due to snow and ice all Seattle Public Utilities solid waste pickup is delayed one day this week. More information www.seattle.gov/util


February 8, 2017

MVI_6082[1] We ARE Seattle’s third highest hill. Warm rain is coming, though.


February 8, 2017

Kam writes: “I noticed there’s a Maple Leaf school- Sacajawea – raising money for books. Here’s the link. There, teacher Mrs. Meir, pre-K through 2nd grade at Sacajawea Elementary School, explains why she’s asking for donations up to $599: Our classroom has a daily book circle in which the teacher reads to the students. The